Salem Christian School

Home of the Eagles

Girls Varsity Volleyball

Team News
Game Summaries (0)

No team summary for this season.

News (3)

Games canceled, practices are on

Posted on 08/26/2024 | Michelle Karmazyn

Games are cancelled, JV practice is 5-6:30 and Varsity is 6-8:15

This is a test

Posted on 08/08/2024 | Michelle Karmazyn

Hello everyone! I'm just testing to see if people are able to see this. Feel free to send me an email or text if you got a notice about this. Thanks! Coach Karmazyn

Away Games Added on 9/14 and 10/5

Posted on 08/02/2024 | Michelle Karmazyn

Hello all!

I'm still trying to figure out the notifications, etc on the website here but there was a change that I received a JV notification for on 9/14 because of the team we're playing changed but when I went to look at that, I also saw the Varsity game on 9/14 was switched to away instead of home and both teams now have away games on 10/5.

I wanted to make note of this asap since these are Saturdays.

Thank you,

Coach Karmazyn